Coaching. Media
My unique brand of self-development is just that – unique. I’ll show you how to lean in to your vulnerabilities and embrace your fears, communicate more effectively by cultivating your conversational skills, and show you how to excavate those stale core beliefs and reinvent yourself with new ones to nurture your wisest, strongest, most successful you – and much, much more.
self discovery warms the heart and wakes the soul

a mental latte for busy people
Expeirenced Life Coach in Melbourne and Online

What do you need?

Become a highly skilled reader of human behaviour by understanding how you respond and react to others and what happens around you.
Learn step by step as you grow your skills, how to communicate clearly, demonstrate self respect and engage in healthy conflict for positive, proactive outcomes.
Whether you want to be better at building your connections or have more skills in your toolbox to improve your relationships, at home, work or in your family, The 15 Focus and 1:1 sessions in person or online, is the start you need to reflect, learn, grow and be challenged.
Learn the secrets of building healthy and strong connections, while discovering your hidden talents.

Leaders and Business
From Start Up to CEO, the world is changing fast and we need to redefine success, create a growth path forward and dig deep into your relationship with your business, career and yourself.
Book in regular 15 minute, mental latte’ pulse checks to keep your ‘to be’ list as driven and accountable as your ‘to do ‘list.
From small groups to large audiences, in person, on radio or TV the vast experience and ability to talk on a wide range of topics is an area I love working in. Sharing knowledge and connecting the audience with learning and understanding is a passion of mine. Go to the HOME page and scroll down to see some areas and organisations I have presented to or spoken with.

Discover your Personal & Professional Potential
What can I bring?

Coaching Psychologist
Blending the best of psychological understanding, and human behaviour analyst with the goal focus and planning of coaching to support, guide and coach you towards achieving success in life.

Certified Chair and Advisor to businesses and boards. Business owner and director for over 20 years and mentor for over 30 successful business in consulting. Co-Chair of National NFP organisation. Team leader and qualified psychologist.

Business Savvy
Research driven, evidence based and ethical practice in business and in guiding business. Skilled in management, team building and strategy. A human behaviour analyst, ready to help you adapt, flex and grow your skill depth. expand, grow or sustain your career trajectory.

Contact Us
Do you have a question for me? Want to make a booking? Send me a message.