is here.
Coaching for divergent minds looking to explore
a new horizon of self-development.
What I Offer
- If you are a CEO, let us start a conversation on your own CEO Development Plan.
- If you are a business owner, how about a Business Growth Plan to check where you are headed?
- Thinking of growing? Let’s talk about a Business Accelerator Program.
- Had enough and want out? Maybe a Change Management Plan.
- Maybe its time you looked at getting in a couple of advisors to help? A Board Starter Program could suit you.
- That’s why I love offering what I do. I have the toolkit and experience to guide you. Oh, and with no judgment.
- The control remains with you. The commitment level is yours to decide and we have the FREEDOM IN A FRAMEWORK, to go wherever you need.
- Interested yet? Drop me an email and I can send you some info to help you determine what you want, and need.
- Find your voice, express your needs
- Respond, not react
- Be inquisitive
- Build (instead of burn) bridges
- Say what you mean, mean what you say
- With these sessions in personal development, in Melbourne or online, benefits include;
- Find happiness and authenticity and achieve your dreams
- Discover your areas of development still underutilized
- Be held accountable for your goals and hitting the targets your need
- Learn to use body language, verbal cues and conversation styles
- Improved listening skills for effective conversation outcomes
- Decision-making clarity and emotional agility
- Be more influential in your life by learning to be empowered
- Find passion in what you do
- Be skilled in communication and connectivity
- Fulfill all your potential and become authentic in your actions
- Discover and use your personality, talents and abilities
- 16 Ways SELF AWARENESS Improves Your Life And Leadership.
- The more we thrive the less we dive into our awareness.
Conference Appearance Speaking Engagements
Enjoy Sarah’s presentations and workshops that balance creativity with research and real-life experiences. Sarah designs all the content to fit your market and keep your audience engaged and challenged.
From delivering master classes on Human Skills to the CPA, online training to GriefLine Australia and Emotional Intelligence webinars to Engineers Australia, each event leaves the audience reflecting on how they can value-add to their lives, their work and their identity.
Sarah encourages participation, questioning and activities to create a foundation of ongoing learning.
I just wanted to thank you so much for your amazing work that I was lucky enough to do with you.When I came to you for executive coaching, I was feeling anxious, stressed and had lost my self-belief and self confidence in my professional position in context to some poor workplace treatment/team culture. I cannot thank you enough for the education, counselling, coaching you supported me with, and the way you helped me identify my natural talents, and reinforced that I am a highly professional, and passionate person. You identified areas that I could adjust in my communication style which helped me maintain my own anxieties, subsequently, be the best professional version of myself in my workplace.It was my goal to improve my corporate image and be heard more clearly at a senior management level. You helped my build up my self-confidence again, own my ideas, not be afraid to speak openly. You reinforced strategies on how to respond to difficult workplace behaviour so that it did not impact my wellbeing or my work performance.Most importantly, you reminded my to stay true and anchored to my value set which has been instrumental in my success and professional development. I am now “being heard and respected” by my colleagues particularly at a senior management level”. And I now, thanks to you….”have a seat at the table”.
Many thanks,
Awesome, the “bad” jokes and fun activities were great Content was good, and it was good to see it focus on typical engineering personality types. Easily one of the top webinar presenters I have experienced. She was funny, engaging and down to earth. A really great webinar! Good advice overall Good and honest. Good knowledgeable presenter Good presentation thanks. Great engaging presenter who gave out plenty of energy which can be difficult on vidcon. Light humoured. An excellent quality to present this topic. Poll was good The content was excellent and relevant – it lined up with my experiences and reassured me. Some help advice. Well presented, relatable, and thought provoking Well done Sarah!
Engineers Australia
10/10 score, and commented “It was really useful content,
which I would like to take back into my team”.
itSMF ACT Virtual State Event
Hi Sarah, I had completed the course a few weeks ago and wanted to send a thank you note. I took a few weeks between session two and three to really hone in on my behaviour, journal my behaviour and feelings (or shields shall we say). I felt that this reflection really helped me recognize these shields. Better yet by recognizing them in real time and remembering what I was learning helped me take control of the shields, some more than others. Now I need to continue to practice this in my day to day and find a rhythm with working through the emotions, recognizing the situation, what shield I am projecting and reaching a healthier reaction. Perhaps I can do this reflection monthly. Thanks again for this opportunity and sharing it with the world!
a huge THANK YOU for the insights you provided to my CINC Group in your “Elephant in the Room’ presentation this morning. We are all extremely grateful to you for giving us your time and we really value the suggestions & ideas that you communicated throughout the presentation, both in individual coping mechanisms and also in how to initiate conversations with others on how they are coping. We all feel much better armed in the event that we find ourselves in such a situation.
Ian Cordner CINC Group.
I had completed the course a few weeks ago and wanted to send a thank-you note. I took a few weeks between sessions two and three to really hone in on my behaviour, journal my behaviour and feelings (or shields shall we say). I felt that this reflection really helped me recognize these shields. Better yet by recognizing them in real-time and remembering what I was learning helped me take control of the shields, some more than others. Now I need to continue to practice this in my day to day and find a rhythm with working through the emotions, recognizing the situation, what shield I am projecting, and reaching a healthier reaction. Perhaps I can do this reflection monthly. Thanks again for this opportunity and for sharing it with the world!
Kait – Power Up Your Vulnerability. Control Your Emotions.
Such a fabulous training session today. You gave us some amazing insight Sarah. I walked away thinking what an inspiration you must be to your clients. Thank you again!
Executive Manager
Some Of The OrganizationsI Have Worked With

Contact Us
Do you have a question for me? Want to make a booking? Send me a message.
Business and
For Leaders and Business
The global pandemic is forcing leaders to redefine themselves. It’s pivot or peril. Clearly, tomorrow’s leaders are agile. They know that the future of management means investing in the relationship economy today.
But changes to your team’s roles, responsibilities, and even work locations have caused stress. Stress causes strain on what matters: people. The bottom line is good relationships fuel physical and emotional wellbeing, a sustainable work culture, and healthy revenue growth that keep customers coming back.
Become a humanistic leader. Humanistic leaders are appropriately vulnerable and have a genuine desire to connect with their teams – and themselves. They nourish talent. They build effective business frameworks and smash their targets.
They pivot, and they thrive.
Is your team worth the investment? Are you?
If the answer is yes, let’s start a conversation.
Empathic Teams and
Smart Cultures Workshops
Teams are dynamic opportunities for growth and the individual mindsets play an integral part in that experience. Yet finding the balance in a team can prove to be difficult for many businesses as they grow. Professional development for your teams creates an emotional energy, connects them with each other and the larger organizations, uncovers blindposts before they become psychological injuries and resets the team temperature with exciting and onboarding of employees.
Culture can flow top down or bottom up depending on the size and dynamics of each business. A true culture embraces individuality and celebrates the diversity each employee can bring while driving a collective mission and value set forward.
“Quality outcomes and culture shows that adopting a quality culture and capabilities is closely correlated with quality performance (Embedding ‘smart quality’ culture and capabilities in the organization, McKinsey report)
Embracing a smart culture prepares your organization for future discord, builds adaptability, connection and inclusivity. Booking a culture check to see where you stand and where your business really is from a cultural perspective can protect your empire from collapsing and build strong foundations to weather the financial and environmental storms ahead.
Become a divergent leader.
What does it mean to lead? The pace has quickened, and it’s easier than ever to lose your leading edge. But with the right coach, marching to the beat of your own drum while staying ahead of the game is possible. From start-up to CEO, learn how you can achieve sustainable success while nurturing the relationships that nurture you. Lead and succeed on your terms now.
A divergent leader follows many approaches to their leadership side, looking to empower their teams to thrive. Divergent leaders are interested in the ‘what’ rather than the ‘why’, observing the people around them for hidden capabilities and potential. Divergent leaders are connected, strong, empathic mentors embracing the challenges of working with people to drive profits and success higher. These types of leaders have a thirst for understanding themselves at a deeper conscious level realizing as they grow and develop their mindset, the positive domino effect on their lives and business continues. Not happy to sit on their laurels, they buck the trend of less insightful self development the higher they climb on the ladder to success.

Contact Us
Do you have a question for me? Want to make a booking? Send me a message.
Mindset and
Life Coaching
What’s in a word? Lots! The language you choose and the way you use it speaks volumes, and has the potential to increase your influence, optimise your outcomes, and strengthen what matters most: your relationships.
To connect is human. So why do we sometimes feel so…detached? Luckily, connecting is a muscle with great memory, and strengthening it just takes practice with the right person.
Face to face, online, or in a condensed 15Focus session, connect now to work out what’s holding you back from reaching out professionally, getting personal, or bonding with something bigger.
As your personal development and life coach in Melbourne or online, I can design a tailor-made, individually focused program based on your goals and needs blended with insight, knowledge and a deeper understanding of human skills, neuroplasticity and the need for emotional adaptability and agility. Success should be challenging, fun and inspirational so let’s get going. Pick your style of coaching and we can begin.
Mindset Coaching
Discover simple ways to:
My style of Mindset Coaching is focused on your innate ability to rewire your mindset. In embracing the realisation that your mindset is a belief structure that can be bent, reshaped and redesigned allows you to project your very best version of who you are and who you could be, unlocking that hidden potential. Mindset Coaching is about your empowerment to decide the ‘what next.’ It is present focused, and future directed.
Not what you are looking for?
Life Coaching For Your Life
It’s time to upgrade your self-development and challenge yourself to empower and enhance your skills and strengths. This is a unique take on the kind of personal development Melbourne is probably used to. It has been designed to help you unpack the stuff that has you stuck, review and re-learn communicating and conversation abilities and check in on your personal growth and esteem. Time to discard all those useless versions of self you’ve been carrying around and embrace a stronger, wiser and more successful you.
These personal coaching sessions are suitable for all individuals seeking personal coaching in Melbourne to enhance and build on past skills and future potential. That includes those people moving career paths or who feel stuck in careers; people in relationships that need revitalising; people in positions of change in their lives and many more. Clients who have used this service include business leaders, senior management, CEO’s and organisation management or owners, sole traders, artists, musicians, athletes and actors.
My style of life coaching (although I prefer to call it coaching psychology as we dig in deep), is focused on developing your emotional intelligence to enable you to set the goals, jump the hurdles and move those mountains. Your need is greater fulfillment, and we work together to clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.
What it isn’t, is a substitute for psychological therapy. I do that in my other job.
Moving MovementsNeed to be challenged further?
Self Awareness Coaching
Becoming self-aware is next level coaching. It is in the internalising of the subconscious awakening that comes from putting fear and judgment aside.
We can look beyond the reflection in the mirror of what we want to see and take the risk to go behind the self-image we have carefully cultivated.
It is in this shadow we can discover the endless potential, the humanity and the parts locked away from the world (and often ourselves).
Here lies our authenticity, our courage and the future self-emergence to be who we should and always could have been.
Our intentions become clearer to those around us. We have the capability of seeing each moment, relationship, and interaction from an abundance of viewpoints. In business and in leadership, awareness is the key to high performance, decision agility and personal and professional growth. Awareness sets us free from our own hidden agendas, judgments, biases and assumptions that hold us back from love, success and peace in our lives.
We learn the skill of understanding how others really see us-from partners and friends, to workplaces and beyond.
Your journey to self-awareness begins here with me or online.

Contact Us
Do you have a question for me? Want to make a booking? Send me a message.
Aware Online
Aware Online Course
If you are looking for tools for your coaching clients or to update your own skill set, join us in becoming self aware and reap the benefits, share with your clients and support their journey (and yours) to finding true self awareness.
“Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards. If you’re highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behaviour with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you.” (A Theory of Objective Self Awareness by Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund (1972)

Contact Us
Do you have a question for me? Want to make a booking? Send me a message.
Delivered In Flexible Formats And Locations


In Person


Groups &

Team & Board

1:1 Consults

15min Condensed
Invest In The Relationship Economy
If you are a CEO, let us start a conversation on your own CEO Development Plan.
If you are a business owner, how about a Business Growth Plan to check where you are headed?
Thinking of growing? Let’s talk about a Business Accelerator Program.
Had enough and want out? Maybe a Change Management Plan.
Maybe its time you looked at getting in a couple of advisors to help? A Board Starter Program could suit you.
That’s why I love offering what I do. I have the toolkit and experience to guide you. Oh, and with no judgment.
The control remains with you. The commitment level is yours to decide and we have the FREEDOM IN A FRAMEWORK, to go wherever you need.
Interested yet? Drop me an email and I can send you some info to help you determine what you want, and need.
Let's Get Going
For those wanting to make a positive impact, Selfawear encourages a voice to express yourself by spreading awareness for mental health through empowering and stylish fashion.
“Selfawear is committed to spreading self-awareness and developing beliefs and behaviours that contribute to helping the world become a better place.”
We are really proud to support this amazing brand that speaks of acknowledging the impact of mental health by creating an empathic brand to find strength and positivity. Collaborations that empowers each of us to understand, heal and thrive through self awareness is one of the gifts of gratitude we get in our business. And the gear is outstanding. We love it!!
Click Here to Their Store

About Sarah Godfrey
Starting a business is gritty work. Getting it to sail smoothly is a whole other matter. When I started, I purchased some real estate, launched my proverbial boat and set sail.
It was sink or swim, but with hard work and good luck, I learned to sail. I knew I had everything I needed to succeed inside.
Well, almost everything. When the thunder rolled in and the waves crashed, I needed help. Someone experienced at riding waves.
Of course, rainy days make for great teachers, and I learned a thing or two! Like how to weather the storms and stay the course.
As a coach, I’m passionate about working with self-explorers to create paths of least resistance. In as few or as many sessions as you need, we work together wherever you are on your personal or professional journey to help you find your true north.
Ready to set sail?
Sarah Godfrey

Some Of The Organizations I Have Worked With

Life Works When
Life Works When – A Story of Piecing Happiness Together for a Successful Life. A parable on the 5 pieces of happiness we need to understand and work to achieve to find happiness and success in life.

- understanding emotions,
- managing stress and anxiety,
- building resilience,
- improving relationships,
- and developing self-confidence.

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